
Welcome to humble homepage of SWaste-project. We started this project to honour old program you might have heard of, waste.

Waste was F2F software which used few brilliant ideas to transfer data anonymously and securely. But this page is not about waste so lets move on.

Now you might think that swaste is just another waste-client which tries to fix all problems with original waste, but that isn't swaste and not even swaste's goal.

What our goal is? We are going to create more waste like program which however is P2P rather than F2F. We are plan to apply good things about swaste to it where possible. Swaste is propably never going to be as secure as waste, but we try to get as close as possible with better usability and higher performance.

Before you start looking for the download-link, I have to tell you some bad news. Swaste is not even near to being complete. We only have gui, some basic setting features and some beginning of networking. Therefore you shouldn't be interested in swaste for a long time.

However if you are developer and became interested then swaste might be just for you. If you are decent programmer and have some experience in Qt then feel free to contact our project-leader to join the noble group of swaste-programmers.